Religious Freedom Sunday (January 10)

"Proclaim liberty throughout the land." Lev. 25:10

Anticipating the President's annual proclamation


Religious Freedom Sunday is a time for churches to inform their congregations about the religious liberties of public school students.

The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidelines clarifying students' religious liberties three times since 1995. However, these guidelines have not received local distribution within schools. Churches must bring light to the issue for students and parents.

To help churches in this task Gateways has published
Free to Speak a pocket-sized summary of the U.S. Department of Education guidelines explaining students' religious liberties. January 11th is a time when churches across America will distribute Free to Speak to students and their families.
For more information about ordering this pocket-sized pamphlet, visit or call
(800) 929-1163

For more information about the President's annual proclamation of Religious Freedom Day, visit


Religious Freedom Sunday is an initiative of 

Gateways to Better Education and 

the Alliance Defending Freedom